Electrifying Buses in New York City: Insights from Québec

Virtual Webinar

An international leader in vehicle electrification, Québec has committed to a suite of ambitious measures to decarbonize its transportation sector. For instance, the city of Montreal has pledged to acquire only electric vehicles for public transit beginning in 2025 — several electric buses are already on the road — and Québec has joined CALSTART’s “Drive […]

Carbon Trading for Buildings? Insights from the German Emissions Trading Program

Virtual Webinar

In the fall of 2019, Germany adopted novel climate legislation that calls for the establishment of a trading program for carbon emissions from the transportation and building sectors. The new law, which has already generated substantial controversy, will take effect in 2021. Pursuant to Local Law 97 of 2019, New York City is considering adopting an emissions […]

Urban Agriculture in New York City: Assessing Options for Expansion

Virtual Webinar

The COVID-19 pandemic has amplified the value of urban agriculture, especially that produced in community gardens, as many New Yorkers faced increased food insecurity and nearly all sought refuge in outdoor spaces. Yet, despite the great value of urban agriculture, New York City lacks a comprehensive plan to promote it and many community gardens are […]

Land Use Planning in the Next Mayoral Administration: A Look at Proposed Reforms

Virtual Webinar

Though often overlooked, New York City’s land use policies fundamentally impact the City’s economy, environmental footprint, and the quality of life for its 8 million plus inhabitants. The City Council has recently introduced a proposal to make sweeping changes to the City’s land use planning processes, including moving towards a more centralized approach. Advocates have […]

Meatless Cities: A Workshop on How Cities Can Help Lead the Transition to a Plant-Forward Food System

Virtual Webinar

By invitation only. Reducing meat consumption can help to improve human health, reduce greenhouse gas emissions as well as other forms of environmental damage, and limit the suffering of animals raised as livestock. Cities have an opportunity to help facilitate a societal transition towards a plant-forward food system, however, there are uncertainties about the limits […]

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