Guarini Center

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Capacity Building

As the international community works to address increasingly complex environmental and development issues, there is a constant need for diplomats, negotiators and experts to continue to build their capacity to engage in multilateral processes.

Our Capacity Building Work

The Guarini Center has a long track record of capacity building with developing country delegations at the United Nations.

Support to UN Missions

The Guarini Center provides capacity building support to developing country diplomats, negotiators and experts in UN negotiations and processes on various issues, including climate change, oceans, sustainable development, and plastics. 

Diplomat Training

The Guarini Center provides support to the Alliance of Small Island States (AOSIS) Fellowship Programme by providing seminars and training on the UN system and multilateral negotiations for junior diplomats from Small Island Developing States. 

UN Diplomacy Clinic

The United Nations Diplomacy Clinic places NYU Law students in the Permanent Missions of small island developing states at UNHQ to act as legal advisors. In this role, students augment the capacity of  these Permanent Missions in their engagement in international diplomacy. 

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