Green for Green: The Business and Law of Renewable Energy Finance
NYU School of Law, Greenberg Lounge 40 Washington Square South, New York, NY, United StatesThe Symposium will focus on the key legal, financial and policy issues involved the finance of renewable energy. What can our governments do to facilitate investment and production? What can private companies do in uncertain times? What lessons can we learn from abroad? Leaders from legal practice and academia, private investment, energy companies and all […]
Housing and Urban Development Secretary Shaun Donovan Speaks at Workshop on Electricity Microgrids
Housing and Urban Development Secretary Shaun Donovan was at the Law School in August to discuss the President’s Hurricane Sandy Rebuilding Task Force, which he chaired. His presentation was part of a workshop organized by the Frank J. Guarini Center on Environmental and Land Use Law on using microgrids to increase the resiliency of the […]
Marshall Islands’ Minister Tony de Brum Talks about Climate Leadership from the Pacific Islands
On Thursday, September 26th, Republic of the Marshall Islands (RMI) Senator Tony de Brum, the Minister in Assistance to the President (equivalent to a Vice President), joined Professor Paolo Galizzi’s International Environmental Law class to talk about climate change in the Pacific and their recent work to spur greater commitments in the international climate change […]