Incorporating State Public Policy Goals in Wholesale Electricity Markets

NYU School of Law, Furman Hall, Lester Pollack Colloquium 245 Sullivan Street, New York, NY

The Guarini Center and a group of leading energy policy experts discussed “Incorporating State Public Policy Goals in Wholesale Electricity Markets.” Panelists examined a range of policy options for advancing state objectives, including transitioning towards low-carbon generation resources, and intersections with federal law. 1.5 CLE credits offered in the areas of Professional Practice category. The credit […]

Clean, Resilient Power for Caribbean States

On October 31st, the Guarini Center hosted an event in collaboration with the United Arab Emirates Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation, as well as Tesla Inc., to examine opportunities and obstacles to deploying renewable energy powered microgrids in the Caribbean region. The workshop brought together experts from international development organizations, non-profit institutions, academia, […]

Tackling Traffic: Options for Reducing Vehicular Traffic & Emissions in NYC

NYU School of Law, Furman Hall, Lester Pollack Colloquium 245 Sullivan Street, New York, NY

The Guarini Center and the NYU Environmental Law Journal hosted an event entitled, “Tackling Traffic: Options for Reducing Vehicular Traffic and Emissions on New York City Streets.” As New York City’s subway system continues to be in crisis, many have questioned how transportation can be improved in order to get commuters moving as efficiently as […]

Building Energy Disclosure: Policy Trends and Market Impacts

NYU School of Law, Vanderbilt Hall, Snow Dining Room 40 Washington Square South, New York, NY, United States

The Guarini Center and a group of leading experts had a discussion on “Building Energy Disclosure: Policy Trends and Market Impacts.” In 2009, New York City enacted a pioneering energy disclosure policy, Local Law 84, which requires large buildings to submit annual energy benchmarking data. Today, a number of stakeholders have begun to consider how Local […]

Wind Energy: The Art of Coping with Uncertainty

NYU School of Law, Greenberg Lounge 40 Washington Square South, New York, NY, United States

Please join the Guarini Center and a group of leading energy policy experts for a discussion on “Wind Energy: The Art of Coping with Uncertainty.” Not only the wind is uncertain.  The recently enacted tax reform is again alter the economics of renewable energy.  How is an industry benefitting from tax credits coping with political […]

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