Meatless Cities: A Workshop on How Cities Can Help Lead the Transition to a Plant-Forward Food System

Virtual Webinar

By invitation only. Reducing meat consumption can help to improve human health, reduce greenhouse gas emissions as well as other forms of environmental damage, and limit the suffering of animals raised as livestock. Cities have an opportunity to help facilitate a societal transition towards a plant-forward food system, however, there are uncertainties about the limits […]

Decarbonizing the Downstate Grid: Taking Stock of Progress

Virtual Webinar

In 2019, New York State committed itself to decarbonizing the state’s electricity grid by 2040. This goal may be particularly difficult to meet in New York City, where fossil fuels presently supply most of the electricity that is available. At this upcoming event, experts from government, industry, and non-profits will discuss the challenges that  officials […]

Towards Plant-Forward Diets: A Toolkit for Local Leadership

Virtual Webinar

As public awareness grows about the health, environmental and animal welfare benefits of reducing meat consumption, a number of cities around the United States have started to take action to encourage a shift towards plant-forward diets. With a new administration poised to take office in New York City, the time is ripe to take stock […]

Small Group Discussion: Propertizing Environmental Attributes

Virtual Webinar

This event will bring together a small group of experts from academic, industry, and government to discuss Katrina Wyman & Adalene Minelli's forthcoming article, Propertizing Environmental Attributes.  Check back to this event page for future updates and event-related materials. By invitation only.

Unpacking the LL97 Carbon Trading Study

Virtual Webinar

NYU just released the highly anticipated carbon trading study required by New York City’s Local Law 97. The study is the first comprehensive modelling assessment of the costs and benefits of this groundbreaking law, and of the feasibility of a potential carbon trading program for buildings. Join Urban Green and the NYU study team for […]

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