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Land Use Planning in the Next Mayoral Administration: A Look at Proposed Reforms

April 15, 2021, 12:30 pm1:30 pm EDT

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Though often overlooked, New York City’s land use policies fundamentally impact the City’s economy, environmental footprint, and the quality of life for its 8 million plus inhabitants. The City Council has recently introduced a proposal to make sweeping changes to the City’s land use planning processes, including moving towards a more centralized approach. Advocates have called for a variety of further changes to be made including reforming the way the City reviews the environmental impacts of proposed rezonings and major development projects. At this upcoming event, stakeholders with varying vantage points will discuss the merits of these different proposals and the decisions that the next mayoral administration will need to make.


Elena Conte, Senior Fellow, Pratt Center for Community Development

Bruno Daniel Garcia, Coalition Strategist, Communities Resist Inc. 

Noah Kazis, Legal Fellow, NYU Furman Center

Eric Kober, Senior Fellow, Manhattan Institute 

Marcel Negret, Senior Planner, Regional Plan Association

Spencer Williams, Director of Advocacy, Municipal Arts Society

Adalene Minelli, Legal Fellow, NYU Guarini Center on Environmental, Energy and Land Use Law (Moderator)

This event has been made possible through the generous support of the New York Community Trust.




April 15, 2021
12:30 pm – 1:30 pm EDT
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Virtual Webinar