Workshop on Building Block Strategies for Global Climate Action

As a result of failures over many years to reach an encompassing international agreement to limit greenhouse gas emissions, there is increasing recognition of serious problems in basic design features of the sole global climate change architecture, the UNFCCC. This recognition has provoked calls over the past few years about bottom up strategies for climate. […]

Roundtable with Peruvian Minister of Environment

Countries have agreed to write a new climate agreement to begin in 2020 and replace the Kyoto Protocol. The agreement will be finalized at the 21st UN Climate Convention Conference of the Parties (COP) in 2015 in Paris, but the text of the agreement will be finished this year at COP20 in Lima in December. […]

Green Trade and Climate Action on the Road to COP21

Shifting to a cleaner energy mix is essential to limit global temperature rise to the agreed 2-degree Celsius target as highlighted by the latest IPCC report. In order to achieve this, costs of renewable energy have to come down and markets need to be strengthened so as to allow for a scale-up of innovation, production, […]

What to Expect on the Road to Paris

NYU School of Law, Vanderbilt Hall, Faculty Library 40 Washington Square South, New York, NY, United States

"What to Expect on the Road to Paris: A Conversation with Experts at the Center of the UN Conversation" On November 10, 2015 the Guarini Center will host a discussion about the 21st Session of the Conference of the Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (COP21/CMP11). Bryce Rudyk (LLM ’08) Guarini Center, Climate […]

Voice of (Climate) Change in the Middle East

NYU School of Law, Furman Hall, Lester Pollack Colloquium 245 Sullivan Street, New York, NY

A Conversation with HE Dr. Thani Al Zeyoudi, Minister of Climate Change and Environment, United Arab Emirates Thursday, September 22, 12:00-1:00pm NYU School of Law Pollack Colloquium Room, Furman Hall 245 Sullivan Street New York, NY 10012 Dr. Thani Al Zeyoudi was appointed UAE Minister of Climate Change and Environment in February 2016. This portfolio […]

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