Guarini Center

Call for Papers: Guarini/Copenhagen Workshop on Ocean Governance

The Guarini Center, along with the University of Copenhagen Faculty of Law and the Center for International Governance Innovation, welcomes proposals for paper presentations at the II TRAMEREN’s International Conference on Frontiers in Ocean Environmental Governance: Private Actors, Public Goods, which will take place in Copenhagen, Denmark, on the 17th and 18th of September 2018.

The two-day conference aims to address the following questions:

  • How does the fragmented legal architecture governing the oceans relate to the effective conservation and sustainable use of oceans and their resources?
  • What are the gaps in oceans environmental governance and existing legal frameworks and how can these gaps be addressed?
  • How can international legal obligations at the interface of oceans and climate change be effectively implemented at the national and international level?
  • What is the role of private and other non-state actors in oceans environmental governance?

The conference is organized around five thematic sessions:

  1. Emerging Issues in International Oceans Governance and Private Actors
    This session will set the scene for the conference, providing an overview of the legal and governance issues and trends in oceans environmental governance. In particular, the interactions of different regimes, instruments, and actors, including theoretical underpinnings for private actors’ role in environmental and climate change matters, will be highlighted.
  2. Sustainable Fisheries and Marine Resource Use
    This session will focus on fisheries and sustainable use of marine resources. In so doing, this session will explore the strategies for strengthening sustainable ocean-based economies. Papers addressing the use of the ocean as blue carbon and the impacts of ocean acidification also fit within this session.
  3. Maritime Transport
    This session will explore maritime transport and environmental governance-related matters. This session will also address themes such as the regulation of greenhouse gas emissions from shipping and frameworks for low-carbon and energy transitions for shipping.
  4. The Arctic
    This session explores the implications of an increasingly ice-free Arctic, including implications for extractive and maritime transport sectors, and marine pollution in the Arctic because of plastics, black carbon, particulate matter, and combustion of
    heavy fuel oil.
  5. Seabed Management
    This final session considers the effective governance of resources found in the deep seabed, which are subject to proposed mineral extraction, and which creates a number of legal and governance interfaces.

Proposals should be submitted by the 15th of May 2018 to:, and include:

1. An abstract (max. 500-word) with a title, the author(s)’s name(s) and affiliation(s),
2. A biographical note / CV
3. Contact information
4. Please indicate what session of the conference your paper addresses (i.e., 1) International legal and policy framework; 2) Sustainable Fisheries and Marine Resource Use; 3) Maritime Transport; 4) The Arctic; 5) the Seabed)

5. Please indicate if you are interested in contributing a full paper (max 8.000 words) to thespecial issue of RECIEL or/and the CIGI’s paper series and book.

Authors will be informed of the final decision by the 1st of June 2018. The choice of proposals will seek to ensure a balanced representation of the various aspects of the conference theme.

More information about the workshop can be found here.