Guarini Center

Wild Animal Welfare in Local Policies on Land Use and the Built Environment

Experts increasingly agree that the health of humans, animals, and the environment are interlinked. As cities consider how to make their infrastructure more resilient and sustainable, policymakers and other local actors have an opportunity to adopt new policies that can benefit wild animals, humans, and the environment.

This first-of-its-kind policy brief describes how local governments can incorporate wild animal welfare considerations into their institutions, planning processes, and policies on land use and the built environment. The brief covers six policy areas: green infrastructure, tree canopy, ecosystems, buildings and developments, lawns and open spaces, and roads. For each policy area, the brief identifies promising policy options for cities to consider, ranging from bird-friendly building materials to green infrastructure design and prohibitions on gas leaf blowers.

For additional reading, view key highlights from the policy brief here.

Categories: Policy Paper/Report
Tags: Buildings, Cities, Land Use, Wild Animals
Author: Adalene Minelli, Alisa White, Jeff Sebo, Katrina Wyman
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