Guarini Center

SIDS & Marine Plastic Pollution: A Look at How Small Island Developing States are Impacted by Plastic Pollution

Plastic—one of the world’s most ubiquitous materials—currently poses one of the greatest threats to the environment, human health, and livelihoods. However, the impacts of plastic pollution are neither distributed nor experienced equally by all countries; while plastic pollution affects many countries across the globe, small island developing states (SIDS) have been disproportionately affected by this growing threat. This issue brief take a closer look at the threats that SIDS face from global plastic pollution as a result of their unique physical, geographical, and economic vulnerabilities.

Categories: Policy Paper/Report
Tags: Oceans, Plastic Pollution, Small Island Developing States
Author: Adalene Minelli, Bryce Rudyk, Karmjit Sangha, Saeed Hamid
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